For once, we can report some good news here in Connecticut. Looks like data released this week from the FBI shows that Connecticut's crime rate is the lowest it's been in 50 years! But what about our own backyard — Danbury, how did the Hat City fare on crime?

According to FBI statistics released at, there were 71,883 crimes reported in the state in 2017, which is a two percent drop from the prior year and the lowest level in the state since 1967.

So how did Danbury do in 2017:

  • The city made 2001 total arrests last year
  • Simple Assault topped the list with 603
  • There were 273 Larceny Thefts
  • 163 Drug Abuse Violations
  • 106 DUIs
  • 85 Disorderly Conducts
  • 69 Aggravated Assaults
  • 52 Robbery Arrests
  • 50 Vandalism Arrests
  • 26 Burglary Arrests
  • 21 Fraud Charges
  • 15 Weapons Charges
  • 4 Murder Charges
  • 462 All Other Offences

Since crime in the state has dropped, so has the state prison population. Since 2011, there has been a 23% decrease in the number of inmates in state jail cells. If this trend continues for the next few years, Connecticut is set up to become the first state in the nation to cut its prison and jail population in half.

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