So many people love the great outdoors. That enjoyment should come free, but it doesn't always now does it?

The bottom line is the economy is not in good shape, and there have been cuts all around Connecticut. As we head into the traditional kick off to Summer, Memorial Day weekend, Connecticut legislators hope to soon get a measure passed that would help fund our state parks.

According to Governor Malloy recently ordered some hefty cuts for park funding for the fiscal year that ends at the end of June. The news isn't good for the start of the newest funding cycle either, with more cuts being ordered.

To that end some Connecticut legislators are proposing an idea they are calling Passport to Parks. So, what's the deal with that? Well, we already pay 80 bucks for a two-year motor vehicle registration in the state, but they are looking to add a $10 surcharge on to that.

The $10 "Passport to Parks" portion would maintain state forests and parks, and support state fish hatcheries, conservation districts and other programs that likely will get the ax, or at least some major cuts.

Senator Cathy Osten, who is co-chairman of the Appropriations Committee had this to say about the Passport program in the News Times:

It would give every Connecticut vehicle the ability to park for free in all of our parks and it would provide us with enough revenue to support our parks and myriad other small programs that are environmental in nature

I know we are taxed to death around here, and I often feel our politicians need to do better, but I'm in on this small add on for the greater good for Connecticut's 110 state parks and 30 forests that I'd like us all continue to enjoy.

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