The Harlem Wizards combine basketball expertise with hilarity, and you can be a part of it this Saturday evening at 6:30 pm at Brookfield High School.

You will not believe what these guys can do with a basketball and best of all these basketball entertainers are here to put on a show while raising money for the Brookfield High School and Middle School.

Who are these "Wizard's" among men you might ask? The Harlem Wizards have been entertaining kids and adults for the last 54 years with their own specialized blend of personality, comedy, and stunning basketball skills. The Brookfield High School and Middle School PTO recently told the News-Times:

At a Wizard's game, fans will witness amazing basketball talent combined with hilarious comedy!

Check out what it's like to be a part of a Harlem Wizard's show:

This Saturday night, Nov. 11 at 6:30 at Brookfield High School the Wizards take on the Brookfield Ballers, a team of community members along with high school teachers and staff. It's gonna be great and it's all to benefit the Brookfield High School and Middle School. For tickets and information, click on

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